$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. Allergy Eye Drops stop allergy symptoms such as itching, burning, watering, edema and general ocular sensitivity. The drops are a sterile, non-preserved, pH balanced, isotonic solution containing four homeopathic active ingredients. Product Info– Active Ingredients (HPUS): Allium cepa 6x; Apis 6x; Euphrasia (Eyebright) 4x; Sabadilla 6x. Inactive Ingredients: Purified water; Sodium…
$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. These homeopathic drops trigger the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the aqueous to nourish and detoxify the living tissue of the crystalline lens. Cineraria maritima has been used homeopathically for over 100 years. Product Info– Active Ingredients (HPUS): Calc. flour 11x; Calc. phos. 11x;Causticum 8x; Cineraria maritima…
$24 $12
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. According to homoeopathic principles, this is indicated to halt, slow the progression or reverse ocular cataract. The homoeopathic oral pellets trigger the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the aqueous, which both nourishes and detoxifies the living tissue of the crystalline lens. The same ingredients as the eye…
$24 $12
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. Floaters are small obstructions in the visual field that resemble anything from black spots to dust particles. They are called floaters because they appear to float in the area in front of the eyes. They generally do not indicate a serious condition and a large percentage of people experience them.† Floater…
$24 $12
Glaucoma Pellets By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. These pellets may help only to lower interocular pressure (IOP).† To lower IOP when used along with prescribed medications. Product Info– Active Ingredients (Homeopathic): Arnica HPUS 12x; Gelsemium HPUS 6c; Phosphorus HPUS 12x; Physostigma HPUS 12x; Lycopodium HPUS 12c. Suggested Use– Directions: Take three pellets three times per day or…
$24 $12
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. Macular pellets trigger the body to respond with its own mechanisms to modulate the activity in the back of the eye.† Product Info– Drug Facts – Active ingredients (Homeopathic): Calc. flour. HPUS 10X; Calc phos HPUS 10X; Kali. Phos. HPUS 6X; Natrum mur. 6X; Carbo. sulph. HPUS 7X. Inactive Ingredients: Lactose…
$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. The leading challenges for contact lens patient compliance are dry eye, allergy, foreign body sensation and inflammation. These drops contain powerful ingredients to stimulate tear film production, counter-act irritation, halt allergies and reduce foreign body sensation. Homeopathic Calendula is known to support corneal health and is indicated for corneal abrasions and…
$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. The leading challenges for contact lens patient compliance are dry eye, allergy, foreign body sensation and inflammation. These drops contain powerful ingredients to stimulate tear film production, counter-act irritation, halt allergies and reduce foreign body sensation. Homeopathic Calendula is known to support corneal health and is indicated for corneal abrasions and…
$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. Unique eye drops stimulate the production of all three tear film layers while supporting the health of the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelid. Including five powerful broad-spectrum ingredients which relieve symptoms caused by inflammation due to aqueous deficiency, including severe dryness such as with Sjogren’s Syndrome. † Product Info– Active Ingredients (HPUS): Aconitum…
$32 $16
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Ingestion of nutrients by “Oral Absorption” increases uptake up to 90% vs. 18% for intestinal absorption of tablets.** For example, a patient would have to take 60 mg of Lutein by tablet to equal the amount absorbed by oral spray. This spray contains the most important and highest quality ingredients. Important: Acts…
$20 $10
By Natural Ophthalmics, Inc Homeopathic. Unique eye drops which stimulate the production of all three tear film layers while supporting the health of the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelid. Including five powerful broad-spectrum ingredients which relieve symptoms caused from inflammation due to aqueous deficiency, including severe dryness such as with Sjogren’s Syndrome. Additionally, women experience more dry…
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