Showing 1–16 of 47 results
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms associated with food and environmental allergens such as congestion, swollen glands, runny nose, cough, rashes and stomach upset. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Apis mel. 6x, Echinacea 6x, Hydrastis 6x, Taraxacum 6x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Aethusa cynapium 15x, Agaricus musc. 15x, Aletris 15x, Alfalfa 15x, Allium cepa…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as fever, chills, fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Anthracinum 30x, Pyrogenium 30x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Baptisia 15x, Bryonia 15x, Hydrastis 15x, Iodium 15x, Lachesis 15x, Nux vom. 15x, Phosphorus 15x, Pulsatilla 15x, Rhus toxicodendron 15x, Echinacea 3x, Hydrastis 3x, Iris…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency and the sensation of a full bladder. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Apis mel. 20x, Berber. vulg. 20x, Bryonia 20x, Cantharis 20x, Cinchona 20x, Equisetum hyemale 20x, Ferrum phosphoricum 20x, Gelsemium 20x, Juniperus com. 20x, Pareira 20x, Phosphorus 20x, Plantago 20x, Pulsatilla 20x, Sabal 20x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as excess mucus, cough, congestion and shortness of breath. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Echinacea 3x, Lappa 3x, Rumex crisp. 3x, Antimon. tart. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Camphora 15x, Chelidonium maj. 15x, Cinchona 15x, Drosera 15x, Eucalyptus 15x, Hepar sulph. calc. 15x, Histaminum hydrochloricum 15x, Ipecac. 15x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as vaginal itching or discharge, mental fogginess, fatigue, gas and bloating.†Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Echinacea 11x, Ginkgo 11x, Juglans reg. 11x, Lappa 11x, Thuja occ. 11x, Adrenalinum 20x, Antimon. crud. 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Baptisia 20x, Berber. aqui. 20x, Bryonia 20x, Calc. phos. 20x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as fear, cold hands and feet, headache, weakness, sallow skin and palpitations. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Echinacea 6x, Hypericum 6x, Valeriana 6x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Aur. met. 15x, Baryta carb. 15x, Benzoicum ac. 15x, Berber. vulg. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calc. fluor. 15x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Formulated for associated symptoms such as nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, sneezing, and sore throat. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Iris vers. 11x, Solidago 11x, Antimon. crud. 20x, Apis mel. 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Baptisia 20x, Blatta or. 20x, Bromium 20x, Bryonia 20x, Candida alb. 20x, Carduus ben. 20x, Cat hair 20x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as headache, ear ringing, anxiety, sweating, pallor and nausea. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Elaps corallinus 30x, Adrenalinum 15x, Arsenicum iodatum 15x, Aur. met. 15x, Baryta carb. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cactus 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Onchona 15x, Crotalus harridus 15x, Digitalis 15x, Glonoinum 15x, Kali carb. 15x, Kali…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as itching, tingling, crusting and painful skin eruptions or ulcerations.†Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Echinacea 11x, Hypericum 11x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Bryonia 20x, Cantharis 20x, Chelidonium maj. 20x, Cistus canadensis 20x, Conium 20x, Croton 20x, Dulcamara 20x, Graphites 20x, Kali bic. 20x, Lycopodium 20x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as frequent waking, restlessness and the inability to fall asleep or return to sleep after waking. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Absinthium 15x, Anacordium occidentale 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Belladonna 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calc. carb. 15x, Camphora 15x, Chamomilla 15x, Cimicifuga 15x, Cinchona 15x, Coffea…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as pain in hip and shoulder joints and pain in the small joints of hands and feet. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Aconitum nap. 15x, Apis mel. 15x, Arnica 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Belladona 15x, Benzoicum acidum 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calc. carb. 15x, Chamomilla 15x, Cinchona 15x, Colchicum…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as pain, inflammation and numbness.†Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Chamomilla 6x, Hypericum 6x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Belladonna 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cinchona 15x, Gelsemium 15x, Hypericum 15x, Ignatia 15x, Kalmia 15x, Lachesis 15x, Lycopodium 15x, Mag. phos. 15x, Mezereum 15x,…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for vaccination-related and viral-related symptoms such as inflammation, injection site pain, and skin discomfort. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Apis mel. 6x, Echinacea 6x, Hypericum 6x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Alumina 15x, Antimon. tart. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Baptisia 15x, Belladonna 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cinchona 15x, Crotalus hor. 15x, Gelsemium…
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms associated with acne such as boils, pimples, pustules and sebaceous cysts. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Antimon. crud. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Aur. met. 15x, Berber. aqui. 15x, Bovista 15x, Carbo veg. 15x, Causticum 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Dulcamara 15x, Graphites 15x, Hepar sulph. calc. 15x, Hydrocotyle 15x, kali brom….
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as overeating, cravings, fatigue, diminished appetite and emotional discomfort. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Anacardium orientale 200x, Antimon. crud. 30x, Arg. nit. 20x, Berber. vulg. 20x, Bryonia 20x, Chelidonium majus 20x, Digitalis 20x, Graphites 20x, Humulus 20x, Iris versicolor 20x, Kali carb. 20x, Lycopodium 20x, Nat. carb. 20x, Nat….
$ 26 $ 13
By Newton Pro Formerly PRO Cataracts Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as blurred vision, light sensitivity and opacities. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Arsenicum alb. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calc. fluor. 15x, Calendula 15x, Causticum 15x, Conium 15x, Euphrasia 15x, Hydrofluoricum ac. 15x, Iodium 15x, Ledum 15x, Naphthalinum 15x, Nat. mur. 15x, Nux vom. 15x, Phos. 15x, Pulsatilla…
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