Showing 17–32 of 47 results

  • PRO Cell Salts Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro A formulation of the 12 tissue salts for symptoms such as growing pains, loss of appetite, exhaustion and delicate skin. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Calc. fluor. 15x, Clac phos. 15x, Calc. sulph. 15x, Ferrum phos. 15x, Kali mur. 15x, Kali phos. 15x, Kali sulph. 15x, Mag. phos. 15x, Nat. mur. 15x, Nat. phos….

  • PRO Distress Mood Sadness Supply

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Formerly PRO Depression~Mood Support 1 oz Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as irritability, grief, despondency, difficult concentration, oversensitivity and sadness. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Angelica sinensis radix 15x, Aralia quinquefolia 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Berber. aqui. 15x, Capsicum 15x, Cinchona 15x, Digitalis 15x, Gelsemium 15x, Hypericum 15x, Ignatia 15x,…

  • PRO Dizzi-V Supply

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and sensations of motion, spinning or floating. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Absinthium 20x, Aconitum nap. 20x, Antimon. tart. 20x, Belladonna 20x, Bryonia 20x, Corbolicum acidum 20x, Colchicum 20x, Conium 20x, Ferrum metallicum 2Ox, Gelsemium 20x, Glonoinum 20x, Hyoscyamus 20x, Ipecac. 20x, Iris versicolor 20x, lycopodium…

  • PRO Drainer Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms associated with toxicity such as fatigue, headaches and sluggish elimination. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Benzoicum acidum 15x, Berber. vulg. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cantharis 15x, Card uus benedictus 15x, Ceanothus 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Chionanthus virginico 15x, Gnchona 15x, Dioscorea 15x, Dolichos 15x, Iris versicolor 15x, Juniperus com. 15x, Nux…

  • PRO Ear Care For Discount

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as pain, fever, inflammation, redness, congestion, itching and pressure. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Influenzinum 30x, Tellurium metallicum 15x, Apis mel. lOx, Arsenicum alb. lOx, Belladonna lOx, Bryonia lOx, Capsicum lOx, Causticum lOx, Cinchona lOx, Conium lOx, Oulcomara lOx, Ferrum phosphoricum lOx, Hepor sulph. cole. lOx, Kali sulph….

  • PRO Eczema~Skin Care Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms associated with eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, rashes and other skin conditions such as itching, pain, sensitivity and inflammation. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Antimon. crud. 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Berber. vulg. 20x, Bovista 20x, Bryonia 2Ox, Cantharis 2Ox, Chelidonium majus 20x, Croton 20x, Dulcamara 20x, Graphites 20x, Hepar sulph. calc. 20x,…

  • PRO Edema For Discount

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as skin discoloration, discomfort and swelling. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Elaps corollinus 35x, Apis mel. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Cantharis 15x, Onchona 15x, Colchicum 15x, Convallario 15x, Crotal us horrid us 15x, Oigitalis 15x, Juniperus com. 15x, lachesis 15x, Mere. vivo 15x, Naja 15x, Nat. carb. 15x, Nat….

  • PRO Exhaustion For Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Formerly PRO Exhaustion-Chronic Fatigue Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as mental and physical exhaustion, lack of concentration and apathy. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Aconitum nap. 20x, Adrenalinum 20x, Aralia quinquefolia 20x, Arnico 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Baptisia 20x, Bryonia 20x, Cantharis 20x, Chelidonium majus 20x, Onchona 20x, lodium 20x, Kali carb. 20x, Kali…

  • PRO G-Inflamm Cheap

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Formerly PRO Gastritis-Ulcer. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Chamomilla 6x, Echinacea 6x, Iris vers. 6x, Ruta 6x, Taraxacum 6x, Antimon. crud. 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Baptisia 15x, Bismuth. met. 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cinchona 15x, Colocynthis 15x, Graphites 15x, Hepar sulph. calc. 15x, Hydrastis 15x, Ipecac. 15x, Kali bic….

  • PRO Gas~Indigestion For Cheap

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as bloating, nausea, eructations and pain or burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Pyrogenium 30x, Antimon. crud. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Baptisia 15x, Bryonio 15x, Corbo veg. 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Cinchona 15x, Colchicum 15x, Daphne indico 15x, Ipecac. 15x, Iris versicolor 15x,…

  • PRO Headache~Migraine Supply

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as throbbing pain, pressure, congestion, dizziness, nausea and light sensitivity.† Product Info– Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Apis mel. 6x, Hypericum 6x, Thuja occ. 6x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Belladonna 15x, Bryonia 15x, Carduus ben. 15x, Cimicifuga 15x, Coffea cruda 15x, Convallaria 15x, Crotalus hor. 15x, Digitalis 15x,…

  • PRO Hemorrhoids Online

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as itching, inflammation, pain and pressure. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Elaps corallinus 35x, Aesculus hipp. 20x, Aloe 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Bryonio 20x, Calc. fluor. 2Ox, Capsicum 20x, Collinsonio 20x, Crotalus horridus 20x, Hamamelis 20x, Hydrofluoricum acidum 20x, Hypericum 20x, lachesis 2Ox, lycopodium 20x, Millefolium 20x, Naja…

  • PRO Herpes sores # 27 on Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as itching, tingling, crusting and painful skin eruptions or ulcerations Product Info– Ingredients: Arsenicum alb. 10x Cantharis 10x Cistus 10x Croton tig. 10x Dulcamara 10x Echinacea purp. 3x Graphites 10x Hypericum 3x Lycopodium 10x Petroleum 10x Ranunculus bulb. 10x Rhus tox. 10x Sarsaparilla 10x Sepia 10x Alcohol…

  • PRO Hyperactivity~Mental Focus Hot on Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as lack of focus, anxiety, anger, impulsiveness, restlessness and sensitivity. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Adrenalinum 20x, Tarentula cubensis 20x, Aconitum nap. 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Baptisia 15x, Chamomilla 15x, Cypripedium 15x, Digitalis 15x, Gelsemium 15x, humulus 15x, Ignatia 15x, Impatiens glandulifera flos 15x, Iodium…

  • PRO Incontinence Online Hot Sale

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms associated with various types of incontinence such as stress incontinence, urge incontinence and overflow incontinence. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Aloe 20x, Arg. nit. 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Belladonna 20x, Benzoicum acidum 20x, Bryonia 20x, Cantharis 20x, Causticum 20x, Equisetum hyemale 20x, Ferrum metallicum 20x, Gelsemium 20x, Igna~a 20x, Kali…

  • PRO Insomnia Discount

    0 out of 5

    By Newton Pro Homeopathic. Formulated for associated symptoms such as frequent waking, restlessness and the inability to fall asleep or return to sleep after waking. Product Info– Active Ingredients: Absinthium 15x, Anacordium occidentale 15x, Arg. nit. 15x, Arsenicum alb. 15x, Belladonna 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calc. carb. 15x, Camphora 15x, Chamomilla 15x, Cimicifuga 15x, Cinchona 15x, Coffea…

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